Serious illness is often accompanied by a variety of difficult symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and constipation among many others. These symptoms also impact family members, loved ones and caregivers. Everyone feels better once symptoms are effectively managed and under control. Then a patient and their loved ones can enjoy life the way they want to.
Our Palliative Care team understands that pain and other symptoms affect your quality of life and wants nothing more than to help you feel better as soon as possible.
Palliative Care helps families and patients “Feel Better” when they are experiencing a variety of symptoms and side effects from their serious, ongoing illness. Palliative Care is provided by our team of expert professionals at home or in a variety of other settings. Our team works with you to develop a custom solution. A key focus of Palliative Care is to help identify your choices and what matters most to you.
Palliative Care provides an extra layer of care and support along with your current and ongoing treatments. Palliative Care gives you a chance to live your life more comfortably and improve everyone’s quality of life.
Palliative Care is symptom-based management for any patient with a serious illness, independent of whether they are still seeking aggressive treatment. Hospice focuses solely on comfort for patients who are expected to live for 6 months or less. Some studies show that Palliative Care and Hospice help patients live better, and may help them live longer, than other patients with serious illnesses.
There are a variety of ways Palliative Care is paid for. If you have concerns about the cost or coverage of Palliative Care, a member of our Palliative Care team can help you.
Take the first step of getting more information that helps address your questions or concerns:
Learn about your current circumstances and concerns
Understand what is important to you
Explore what services you qualify for and discuss your options
Help you and your family Feel Better and Live Better.
Serving Otsego, Delaware and Schoharie counties; 542 Main Street, Oneonta, New York 13820